HAPPY NEW YEAR!  2017! Where does the time go? January always brings with it the distant horizon of long months stretching ahead and easing your way back into ‘work mode’ is never an easy thing to get your head around.

Scottish Media Training is always here to help with any media training request and there is a sound reason for getting your media training day(s) booked up. There has never been a more significant time for many a year to think about how you and your staff present themselves to the outside world.

So many world events impact on all of us. Social media becomes all pervasive. We have the 24/7 immediacy of breaking news. Crisis communications and reputation management are very real and can happen to any one of us at any given time. No scaremongering whatsoever in any of this – just basic facts of life!

Being media trained is not some sort of sacred science – the key to which is not just the preserve of the large industrial corporates. However, it is an art – a strong corporate image is important to organisations who value their business growth and maintaining their position in the market place or in the public eye.

Whatever your media training needs, you need to be able to communicate with confidence and we give you that undivided attention that will make you a natural performer on radio, television, the printed press and in social media.

The last three years has seen us training hundreds of people from a wide and varied assortment of industries and public sector bodies, including charities, Higher Education Institutes and membership bodies.

Our delight is derived from their success as very capable media spokespeople to represent their organisations.

In 2017, you too can have the opportunity to be confident media performers.