Can You Come to Pakistan at the End of November?

A (true) Winter Tale by Scottish Media Training‘s senior trainer, Devin Scobie

After 30 years training just about every possible type of organisation in the UK, it was a pleasure to travel to Lahore late November to deliver three full day courses for over 40 school Principals and Head Teachers. The focus was on presentation training but with a strong slant towards handling difficult conversations – and in English which for all the trainees added another layer of difficulty.

Devin re-emphasising the importance of key messages for Presentation Training
An attentive Presentation Training class in Lahore. Teachers being taught the fundamental aspects of communication where Presentation Training is excellent for their own personal development.

Moreover, we pride ourselves in being able to offer flexible training and will happily go anywhere, but Lahore was a challenge.I’ve been many times before with a charity I chair so I knew what to expect. But planning a course to be delivered 4500 miles away, even logistics like handouts and getting the correct cable for the in-room screen, needed much more thought than usual.

Senior staff the world over face challenging conversations daily so this course helped train them to understand how a successful ‘argument’ can be structured, what language can persuade rather than irritate, and how to use these skills in practice through a series of practical exercises.

The overall result was three packed days, a lot of laughs and over 40 senior school staff newly empowered to face their daily challenges with increased confidence and knowledge.